Thursday, February 23, 2006

Freaked out

Well I had a true freak out yesterday. Kody was lying on the couch in his Boppy pillow you know the one that is supposed to keep them from rolling off. Any way he rolled off the couch and hit his head on the table. I was sure he would die of course. Any way he quit crying in like 10 seconds and was so happy for the undivided attention. I on the other hand cried for an hour called my mom she made me feel a little better and I decided that no mom is perfect. This did not change the fact that I truely wanted to be. I walked up to tennis practice to find Daniel and beg his forgiveness. Instead he said Sunni don't worry about it he is fine look at him, but of course this did not help me. Then Sara called ansd after I cried to her told her the whole story she reminded me that kids are resilient and that he and I were both fine. This actually helped and I quit crying Oh well so I survived the big total freak out and Kody does not even have a bruise. Crazy is it not.

1 comment:

TEXOSE said...

I so can totally relate. DON'T TELL CPS....joking!

It happened to Desiree around the same age and I was miserable for day too...

Hang in there....!